Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world and universally recognized stimulant specific aroma and taste. The greatest impact on the quality of coffee has variety, harvest methods, processing of coffee and preparation of the final product - cup of coffee. Green coffee is sharp, acrid odor and unpleasant, bitter taste and a distinctive pleasant aroma of coffee gets only baking beans and beverage preparation. During thermal processing coffee beans (roasting) are produced and the characteristic dalda foods jobs aroma, acidity and other components of taste and aroma of coffee in order to achieve the desired quality of the final product.
How is minced and coffee beans intended for the preparation of the beverage "Turkish" coffee market commonly found in mixtures of different varieties of coffee, the task of this study was to investigate the physical and chemical properties of raw and baked beans several varieties of Minas coffee. Sensory analysis represents the most widespread technique for assessing the quality of the raw coffee beans and end products can not, drink. Given the importance of sensory evaluation, final evaluation of quality of individual varieties was the evaluation of sensory characteristics beverage prepared from roasted, dalda foods jobs milled grain of individual varieties.
World coffee production in the period 1950 - 1990 was increased to 100%, and it is assumed that growth will be between 0.5 and 1.9% by 2010. Global exports by 2010 would need to reach 7 million tons, with an increase in global consumption of coffee beverages by 0.4% per annum and 6.7 million tonnes in the period 1998-2000. to 6.9 million tons in 2010 (Fulioko and Shibamoto, 2008).
Composition of raw coffee varies dalda foods jobs within wide limits, depending on the origin and mode of cultivation, harvesting, storage until processing. On average, it can be accepted that the average composition of coffee has 24% cellulose, 12% lipid, 12% water, 10% dextrin and sugar 12% of nitrogen compounds, 7% acid, and 2.5% caffeine and 0.1% of essential oil (Popov-Raljić and Stojšin, 2007).
The characteristic aroma of coffee from the combination of hundreds of chemical components that occur in reactions during thermal dalda foods jobs processing coffee beans, roasts. The baking process dalda foods jobs can be divided into three consecutive phases: 1) dry, 2) burning or pyrolysis and 3) cooling. In the first stage of the heat treatment is liberated water and volatile dalda foods jobs substances, and the kernel color is changed from green to yellow. Pyrolytic reactions dalda foods jobs take place in the second phase of the cycle and then significant changes in physical and chemical properties of the grain. Release large amounts of CO 2, water and volatile matter, and due to the caramelization reaction and Maillard Reaction of these coffee bean gets brown color. At this point it is necessary to the third stage of baking, cooling, to the intense reaction stop and prevent pregorevanje dalda foods jobs grain (Franco et al., 2005).
The criteria that are often used to define the quality of coffee the size, shape and color of grain processing methods, the yield, the presence of defective beans and aroma (Franco et al., 2004). Among these criteria is one of the most flavor, and sensory quality cup of coffee (Ross et al., 2006).
Consumers of coffee is expected to be well minced and roasted, and that the beverage has an appropriate and distinctive taste, aroma and strength. The manufacturer is expected constancy of quality, range, customer care and the availability of information on the origin of the coffee, which is marketed. The quality of raw and roasted coffee in Serbia is defined by the regulations dalda foods jobs on quality dalda foods jobs and other requirements for the raw coffee, made from coffee dalda foods jobs and coffee substitutes in 2001.
Ways to prepare cup of coffee dalda foods jobs varies considerably depending on the geographic area. The usual division cup of coffee according to the type of preparation would be to: a real solution - filter coffee, beverage emulsion type - espresso coffee dalda foods jobs and drink in the form of suspensions - the "Turkish" coffee (Petracca, 2001). dalda foods jobs
Mixtures of coffee, known as the iris, in our country, are intended and tailored to the taste of our customers. It is very important how and in what percentage compared to interfere various types of coffee from different climates. Mixing coffee is art, and there are no rules, but the goal is the mixture is better than each individual.
The task of this study was to investigate the physico-chemical characteristics of raw and roasted grain varieties Minas coffee used to obtain a commercial mix in the type of "Turkish" coffee, as well as to investigate the sensory properties of beverages "Turkish" coffee prepared from individual varieties of Minas coffee.
Green coffee varieties Minas (Outspan, Guaxupé, Noble and Komercio) was purchased from a drive one local coffee processors. dalda foods jobs The tests were performed on the raw and roasted dalda foods jobs coffee. Roasted coffee is thermally treated in Drum roaster to a temperature of about 170 C for approximately 40 minutes.
Physical properties of coffee beans were determined by measuring the mass and volume of 100 grains dalda foods jobs (volume was measured in a graduated Court of 50ml). From the obtained values were calculated as the ratio of the total density of 100 kernel weight / volume of 100 grains (Franco et al., 2005).
Water content Positioning
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