Title: milk protein - Monograph Author (s): prof. Dr. Ognjen Maćej, Dr. Snezana Jovanovic, Miroljub Barac Publisher: methods of preservation of food Faculty of Agriculture Place: Belgrade-Zemun Year: 2007 Contact: 011 / 261-5315
The content of the manuscript is based on the results methods of preservation of food of modern science and practice in the field of milk protein. Type of presentation in the manuscript is adapted to its purpose, primarily students of the third, fourth and fifth years studiia, the Department of Food Technology, Technology group of animal products to Pojoprivrednom University of Belgrade. methods of preservation of food Bearing in mind the monographic character manuscripts, scientific and technical soundness, handwriting can be very useful to serve as MATERIALS for doctoral studies and improvement of scientific and technical knowledge of all those involved in technology treatment and processing of milk. The content of the manuscript does not cover other scientific methods of preservation of food and technical fields, methods of preservation of food but sufficiently, relies on a certain knowledge of the chemical, physical, bioherniiskih and technical and technological sciences.
The authors of the manuscript "milk protein" had a very high targets set in this manuscript. It is in the aforementioned text using modern science and practice results presented all relevant information about the nomenclature and structure of proteins in general, and especially on milk proteins. To present physical hemiiska and technological properties of these proteins. To draw attention to their importance in the technology of treatment and processing of milk. To point out the large number of factors that affect changes to protein processing and recycling.
Bearing in mind the high overall evaluation of the text, with honor to see that the authors of the best experts of this issue and are in addition to the use of global scientific literature in text incorporated a large number of its references, ie. scientific and professional results. Due to the high quality of this paper, the authors present as unavoidable personality in further scientific and technical development in this area.
The monograph "milk protein" is based on modern scientific and technical achievements in the field of chemistry of proteins. The major part of the manuscript is dedicated to the casein and whey protein, because in their chemical and physical characteristics of many technology-based, not only in the dairy industry, but also in other branches of the food industry, and even in other industries such as the production of adhesives, plastics industry , paper industry and others.
We believe that especially interesting chapters that deal with the thermal stability of milk, the impact methods of preservation of food of high temperatures on milk protein methods of preservation of food activity of proteolytic enzymes in milk, and acid coagulation.
The writing and the content of the book is adapted not only to students of the College methods of preservation of food of Food Technology, a group of animal products Technology Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, but also to wider audiences.
Bearing in mind that the monograph written using extensive domestic and foreign literature and is based on original literature can serve as a good basis for specialist and doctoral programs methods of preservation of food for those who want to expand and complement the knowledge in the science of milk. This is also the first attempt to write in our country books such content and to highlight the role and importance of milk proteins and their application in the food industry.
We hope that by writing this material managed to give a contribution to the science and profession, and if you're with certain issues in this area in any way manage to provoke curiosity and become interested in scientific and professional public, it would be a great support and recognition that we are headed in the right direction.
Classification of proteins Proteins methods of preservation of food are composed of amino acids amino acids Classification Optical activity methods of preservation of food Amfoternost amino acid peptides and proteins are amino acid oligomers and polymers of amino acids of peptide bond specificity grade amino acid sequence levels of the protein primary structure of the protein properties of peptide bond disulfide bond Determination of the primary structure of the protein secondary structure of α-helix structure Other helix structure of β-pleated methods of preservation of food structure of the β-bend (β-turn) co-loop (bend) Extend ("disordered") Packaging segment secondary structure of the protein collagen helix structure of the tertiary structure of proteins links and interactions that contribute to the stability of the secondary and tertiary education molecular structure Hydrogen bonding electrostatic interaction of polar interactions (links) The hydrophobic effect of structural domains quaternary structure of protein denaturation reversible denaturation of proteins Irreversible denaturation of proteins Amfotermnost protein separation techniques and purification of proteins Chromatographic techniques of ion exchange chromatography protein gel -filtracija protein methods of preservation of food basic principle afinitivne chromatography Electrophoresis polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( PAGE) SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis Literature.
Casein is a complex fosfoglikoprotein Heterogeneity methods of preservation of food and microheterogeneities nomenclature casein casein Some important characteristics of casein amino acid composition and primary structure of casein Casein phosphorus carbohydrates casein Simply
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