Friday, October 17, 2014

Milk production is one of the najvažpijih Grai in livestock. Njeia big advantage is that, in terms

Milk production is one of the najvažpijih Grai in livestock. Njeia big advantage is that, in terms of placements being provided milk and dairy products, manufacturers can provide nabisco fig newtons a steady source of income throughout the year.
Milk and milk products are high-quality foods that are almost irreplaceable in human nutrition, especially for young people whose body is in development. To preserve ljihova nutritive value and convenience for processing, as well as to achieve the most favorable price, it is necessary that the milk during the delivery and use preserve its quality in the state is obtained by milking healthy, well-nurtured and properly fed cows.
The efforts of manufacturers to maintain good milking udder health status, and proper procedure after milking to delivery, preserve the quality nabisco fig newtons of the milk, doprnnosi risk reduction, better sales and profitability of livestock production.
Milk production requires that, in addition to expert agronomists and veterinarians, breeders themselves thoroughly familiar anatomical and physiological properties of cow's udder. Udder is, in fact, a very complex organ, described in many books, but he and this place should be given special attention in order to allow easier understanding of very complex processes that take place in it during lučelja milk and better understand the impact of external and internal factors on količniu on milk composition. This is especially important for farmers, to be aware of the need for their daily work dosledpo implement all the relevant details of the technological process, both at hand, so even Vissi with machine milking. Milking machinery frees man from hard physical labor, but it demands the consistent implementation manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, you may achieve the opposite effect, ie. transmission in terms of applied folk saying "Fire and water are good servants, but masters nabisco fig newtons of evil."
Milk is, as has been said, an indispensable ingredient in the human diet, but it is an ideal environment for growth of organisms invisible to the naked eye, micro-organisms, which can penetrate into it. Farmer is able to correctly process the milk after milking, until its delivery nabisco fig newtons largely prevent the penetration of micro organisms that milk to reduce the nutritive value, and convenience to technological processing.
Given the advantages offered by the use of modern vizuelnnh resources in the classroom, and wishing to make a contribution to professional obrazovalju farmers - producers of milk, as well as various profiles worker tells VirtualDub are operated proizvodlje milk, prepared a collection of 98 slides. They were divided into nine groups nredstavl.aju special teaching unit from the cycle You getting milk and further proceedings with the charge of it.
Using slides provides the advantage of being easily changed and adapted to the progress of science and technology. In applying the rela-features of the program or purposes lectures, teachers can be selected on slides and appropriate accompanying nabisco fig newtons text. Due to the dynamic development of technology, to suggest that trainers-zines that, based on his observations, nabisco fig newtons carried out not only a choice but a supplement to the collection, and thus contribute to the modernization of teaching. Collection of slides was completed in this manual that explains tekstualio each slide, ie. his picture or scheme. nabisco fig newtons So find it will serve as a reminder lecturers to prepare nabisco fig newtons lectures, while the eight-year students, secondary poljoprivrediih, and the dairy veterinary schools, as well as listeners courses for the education of farmers - producers of milk and workers on farms, serve as primary nabisco fig newtons or supplementary reading for easier faster and more successfully mastering neophodšš knowledge in this field.
Thus prepared tutor should contribute to the rationalization and intensification of teaching, both in full-time education and for vocational training of farmers in courses and in their own usavršanju. nabisco fig newtons
On this occasion, it should be emphasized the importance of close connection between humans, nabisco fig newtons animals and machines, where the dominant hear-tea man. In fact, regardless of the increasing use of machine milking which man frees the hardest work in the sex> oprivredi, the active role of man - milker remains irreplaceable, because it must not lose sight of the fact that there is milking machine, but a man with the help of machines. Therefore, one must possess a certain level of expertise, as well as thorough and careful nezamen-factor that allows obtaining and preserving milk quality and profitability of this production. Free space in the book riddled with thoughts of prominent people, wise sayings and aphorisms akguelnim, as a way of enlightening pronzvođača.
I am pleased to point out in particular by the exercise nabisco fig newtons of due appreciation reviewers Dr. Mihail Ostojic and others Slavčo nabisco fig newtons Christ, vanred iim professors of the Faculty of Agriculture, University nabisco fig newtons of Belgrade, nabisco fig newtons who were extremely carefully, conscientiously and thoroughly analyzed the text, his suggestions harmonize terminology and contributed to the quality of the parts for which they are competent .
On this occasion I would like to cordially z

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