Content Definition of sanitary measures importance of sanitary measures, sanitary measures as a basis for ensuring types of food in india safe food Factors affecting the transfer types of food in india of disease through food establishment sanitation procedures Literature. The system of production, processing and sale of food is complex, concentrated and dynamic range of activities that begins with the production types of food in india of raw agricultural products on farms, orchards, and ranches, continues the process of industrial processing and the creation of more valuable products, and then comes to retail establishments and facilities where serving food (restaurants and kitchens) where these products are prepared and sold to consumers. Each sector of this system is unique in its size, scope, and breadth and develops and adapts to demographic changes and changes in lifestyle, science and technology and the demands of consumers. In order to fully understand the role of sanitary measures in the food industry, it is important to understand the uniqueness of each sector of the system.
Agriculture is the largest industry in the world and includes more people than all other sectors combined. Although the number of farms is decreasing, the total production on farms is increasing, pointing to all efficient production. This efficiency in food production has led to the fact that the company offers a wide range of products. Although the structure of commercial agriculture, as well as the mode of production, drastically changed types of food in india over the years, resulting in a larger, cheaper, more versatile and safer food supply.
Installations for the processing of food and beverages converted raw agricultural products in food or in semi-edible products. To continue to attract consumers and increase sales, profits types of food in india and market share, companies types of food in india engaged in food processing to reorganize types of food in india and expand its capabilities, reduce costs, and develop new, more valuable products. The greatest attention is the development of new products dedicated to the prepared dishes.
Dynamics and significance in all sectors of the system of production, processing and sale of food stress the importance of sanitation and safety measures in the provision types of food in india of proper and healthy foods. All sectors types of food in india should work together to ensure food safety system undisturbed.
How the food industry is becoming more and more diverse, and that they appeared new risks for food safety measures for the preservation of food safety and sanitation have been getting more importance in the protection of public health people. Many companies are aggressively raises questions about why food safety in their capacity to prevent the biological, chemical and physical risks that could lead to illness and injury of consumers. These issues have increased the need of those employed in the food industry to understand the importance of elementary measures for the preservation of the safety of food and sanitary measures, and the importance of achieving and maintaining hygienic conditions in areas with food. Those who understand the biological basis behind these measures and the reasons why they are implemented, will be effective in maintaining the correctness of products grown, produced, processed and sold. . The definition of sanitary measures
The origin of the word sanitation is from the Latin words ,, sanitas "which means ,, health." If applied to the food industry, sanitation represent ,, creating and maintaining a hygienic and healthy conditions. "This is the application of science, in order to provide healthy food that has been processed, prepared, displayed and sold učistom environment and by healthy workers; types of food in india in order to prevent contamination by microorganisms that cause diseases transferred food; and to reduce the rapid growth of microorganisms that spoil food. Effective sanitation include all actions that support the achievement of these objectives.
Podčistoćom it means removing visible food debris and dirt, while the term hygiene and hygienic measures imply measures and procedures for removing microorganisms from surfaces that can be sources of food contamination (Škrinjar and Tešanović, 2007).
The application of sanitary measures relating to hygiene types of food in india procedures were devised to održalačista and healthy types of food in india environment for the production, processing, preparation, and storage of food. However, under sanitary types of food in india measures are not considered samočistoća. If you implement it properly, they enhance the aesthetic quality and hygienic conditions of commercial operations, types of food in india public buildings and private homes. Also, the sanitary measures can improve waste disposal, leading to pollution reduction and improved environmental balance. Thus, when the application of effective, sanitation related to food and general sanitation procedures, have a beneficial effect on our environment.
Sanitary measures related to the control of biological, chemical and physical risks that occur in the environment of food. Those who carry out these measures must be aware of all the risks and must be thoroughly understood the basics of food microbiology and organisms types of food in india that may affect human health. Identification, assessment
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