Saturday, October 11, 2014

(4) Community law on food and feed is based on the principle that the responsibility of entities th

Korigenda Regulation (EC) no. 882/2004 the European del monte cafe san luis obispo Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to determine compliance with food law and food, as well as the regulations in the field of animal health and welfare
The content of the European Parliament and of the Council of EU subject, scope and definitions of official del monte cafe san luis obispo controls carried out by Member States competent authorities reports Control activities, methods and techniques for sampling and analysis of approved labs Crisis Management Special treatment of food costs competent authorities and customs Implementation of measures Financing of official controls Other provisions Reference Laboratory National del monte cafe san luis obispo Reference Laboratory Administrative support and cooperation in the field of food and feed control plan community activities Control Board Terms of imports Training employees to examine the activities of other community measures for the implementation of the legal provisions of the National measures for the implementation of legal provisions Mere community for the implementation of legal provisions Amendments legislation Community General Provisions Final provision ANNEX I ANNEX II ANNEX III ANNEX IV ANNEX V ANNEX VI ANNEX VII ANNEX VIII. The European Parliament del monte cafe san luis obispo and the Council of EU
(1) Food and food should be safe and healthy. Community legislation consists of a series of regulations which enable the realization of this goal. These rules can be applied in the production process and in the marketing of food and feed.
(2) The basic regulations in the field of food and feed as defined by Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and the Council no. 178/2002 of 28 January 2002, which defines the basic principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority del monte cafe san luis obispo and define procedures in the field of food safety ().
(3) In addition to the basic regulation is no special law on food and feed, which includes a variety of areas such as animal del monte cafe san luis obispo food, including animal feed supplemented with medicines, food hygiene and food for animals, zoonoses, by-products of animal origin, pesticide residues and contaminants control and eradication of animal diseases that affect the public health, labeling of food and feed, pesticides, food additives and food, vitamins, mineral salts, trace elements and other additives, materials in contact with food, quality and requirements related to the composition, drinking water, ionization, foods which first appeared on the market of a country and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
(4) Community law on food and feed is based on the principle that the responsibility of entities that deal with food and feed at all stages of production, processing and distribution within the buildings under their control, is to ensure the fulfillment of the provisions of food law and food that are important to their work.
(5) Animal health and welfare del monte cafe san luis obispo are important factors that contribute to the quality and safety of food, prevent the spread of animal diseases and humane treatment of animals. Regulations pertaining to these issues are defined in several acts. This act of state obligations of natural del monte cafe san luis obispo and legal persons with regard to animal health and welfare, as well as the duties of the competent authorities.
(6) Member States del monte cafe san luis obispo should provide law enforcement on food and feed, as well as regulations in the field of animal health and welfare, and to monitor and verify whether del monte cafe san luis obispo the entities engaged in the food met the necessary requirements at all stages of production, processing and distribution. For this purpose, it should organize official controls.
(7) It is therefore recommended the establishment at Community level, a coordinated framework of basic regulations relating to the organization of such controls. Based on experience it is estimated that such a general framework functions properly, especially del monte cafe san luis obispo in the field of animal health and welfare. It is therefore recommended that the Commission shall submit a report along with other necessary del monte cafe san luis obispo proposals.
(8) The Community framework, as a general rule, you should not include the official control of organisms harmful to plants del monte cafe san luis obispo and plant products, since these controls are already adequately covered by Council Directive 2000/29 / EC of 8 May 2000.g . the protection measures that prevent the introduction of harmful organisms on plants and plant products into the Community and against their spread within the same (). Certain aspects of this Regulation should, however, should be applied in the field of plant health, especially in areas relating to the establishment of multi-annual national control plans and inspections at Community level, both in Member States and in third countries. Accordingly, it is recommended amendment of Directive del monte cafe san luis obispo 2000/29 / EC.
(9) Council del monte cafe san luis obispo Regulation (EEC) No. 2092/91 del monte cafe san luis obispo of 24 June 1991 on organic production of agricultural products and indications that therefore related to agricultural products and foodstuffs (), Regulation (EEC) No. 2081/92 del monte cafe san luis obispo of 14 July 1992 oz

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