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The best solution is to get a better scanner. – Olin Lathrop Feb 17 at 13:19
That is not a colour cast. A colour cast is an overall tint or bias toward a certain colour. This can be fixed by pushing the colour balance the other way. The image you posted is simply missing the red channel entirely . Regular techniques to shift the colour balance wont work as there is no red* to boost
* my initial diagnosis cara membuat sayur asin of missing red channel was based on the cyan background, cyan is 0% red, 100% green 100% blue, which is exactly what you get when you start with a white (100/100/100) cara membuat sayur asin background and drop (zero) the red values. However upon examination, there is data in the red channel but it's corrupt / not what you would expect to find.
Given the aforementioned lack of colour information in the other channels this is really akin to applying a single colour cara membuat sayur asin to a greyscale image (though it does preserve a small amount of information from the otherwise defunct red channel). Using curves to blacken the hair a bit and reducing saturation yeilds this result, which is about as good as you will get without manually masking and recolouring each area!
@JesonPark cara membuat sayur asin the point is that colour casts are fixable, this isn't. You are missing cara membuat sayur asin vital colour information, if you remove the (cyan/red) colours you do see, you'll be left with no colour at all! – Matt Grum Feb 17 at 15:16
Not sure if this is the best practice, but it gets rid of the cyan background. Open the image in Photoshop cara membuat sayur asin Duplicate the layer (so you'll have a backup) Go to `Image -> Adjustments -> Replace Color... Set the Fuzziness to 15.
This still leaves the color cast on the face though. Over all, there's a cyan cast to the image, so background elimination doesn't really fix the image. – John Cavan ♦ Feb 17 at 14:49
@JohnCavan I'm aware of that, but the original question seemed to ask how to remove the blue/cyan color, i.e. the cyan background. I see it is now edited to color cast changing the scope to the whole image. – Bart Arondson Feb 17 at 15:09
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