How do I log off from WhatsApp?
This is not possible. Whatsapp is designed to stay online. You may want to use a Firewall or an app which drain the permissions while you dont want to be connected. – Emanuel Seibold Sep 13 at 14:24
:O Wow, I completely and utterly forgot that option under 'running'. Wow. Yep, you're completely right, I was just going to Whatsapp under 'Downloaded' in the app manager. I don't know what I was thinking. Cheers for clarifying. I wouldn't have remembered that at all. It's crazy what you forget! A very delayed +1 – RossC Sep 15 at 7:43
Settings>apps>WhatsApp meat preservation methods and press clear data. You might want to first backup your messages in WhatsApp settings. This resets WhatsApp to like when you first downloaded it before logging in. Alternatively, you can go to settings>apps>WhatsApp and turn off notifications for WhatsApp if it gives you the option. If it doesn't, it means your version of android doesn't support turning off notifications. You can also go to a WhatsApp chat, press menu, and mute conversation for an amount of time.
It is a valid work around to be fair. Considering you can't directly log off. A rooted user could just freeze the app, or clear and restore data with one or two clicks so this would be particularly easy to do. – RossC Sep 15 at 8:00
-1 Whatsapp showing “Failed meat preservation methods out of memory. Please try again later”?
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