Thursday, September 4, 2014

Chinese south, the study adds, are more likely to interdependence, holistic thinking preserving oli

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Washington - The more individualistic cultural differences between southern China, more community-oriented, and the north, may respond to the fact that in southern rice cultivation and the northern wheat predominates, according to an article published in the journal Science.
The study, led by Thomas Talhelm, a doctoral student preserving olives in cultural psychology at the University of Virginia, in collaboration preserving olives with researchers at Beijing Normal University, was conducted among 1,162 students of Han nationality in Beijing and the Fujian (southeast), Guangdong (south), Yunnan (southwest), Sichuan (West) and Lianning (northeast).
"Western culture is more individualistic and analytical while the East Asian culture is more interdependent and integrated," according to the article, which explains that "critical thinking using abstract categories and formal reasoning, while holistic thinking is more intuitive and sometimes even welcomes the contradiction. "
According preserving olives to this theory, cooperative methods of rice cultivation, which have been common in southern preserving olives China for centuries, make the culture in that region is interdependent and can be distinguished from the culture of the north where it is practiced more individually also wheat growing preserving olives for centuries. preserving olives
In China there is a very recognition of such cultural differences between the regions divided by the Yangtze River, the country's largest flowing from the western mountains to the east and the Yellow Sea.
In general there is the notion that people from the north is more aggressive and independent South and more cooperative and interdependent traits passed to other cultural expressions from cooking to martial arts.
In addition, rice is grown on irrigated land, which requires the construction of dams and canals and communal use of water, so the rice farmers come together to develop and maintain the infrastructure on which they all depend.
With a series of psychological tests Talhelm and colleagues found that Northern Chinese are, in fact, more individualistic preserving olives and tend to be more analytical in their thinking and, therefore, more like Westerners.
Chinese south, the study adds, are more likely to interdependence, holistic thinking preserving olives and extremely loyal to his friends and family, in common with other parts of Asia where rice cultivation predominates as Japan and Korea.
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