Friday, September 5, 2014

But going to your article, I totally agree with you. It is the same right to decide that we claim,

This week the scandal has erupted China Leaks I remembered Juan Roig, president of Mercadona, saying almost two years I felt great admiration for Chinese tunip agro limited culture grown because of the effort made. Culture takes effort. That are always asked to occupy the lowest social rung. But lying if I said I Roig came to mind just now. The truth is that I remembered every time he opened his mouth Gallardón to discuss the reform of existing legislation regarding abortion. And I remembered much more when I read the draft on which it was reported in the Council of Ministers of 20 December. This bill, which seeks to repeal the current law, what really sets it compulsory motherhood. We, as in China, but in reverse, where you from being a mother. There's one-child policy established in the late seventies as a means of birth control forced many women to abort, especially if the fetus was female. This measure was changed in late 2013, but only to allow, in certain cases, you can have up to two children at most. If the law is violated: fine. And those who do not have money to pay compulsory abortion awaits. This rises to extreme cruelty in some cases as young Feng Jianmei, which she underwent an abortion and forced her to sleep with the fetus seven months at his side. For what it intends to do Gallardón (with the consent of Rajoy) force delivered, for to carry the pregnancy. But it does not force all; only those who can not afford the abortion in another country. So many women (and I hope many men) will depart from many cities in Spain to Madrid on 1 February to defend our freedom. We want the current law is maintained (albeit much improved) because we recognize finally as autonomous subjects during pregnancy (if only for a period tunip agro limited of 14 weeks). The current law leaves freedom of choice for women to continue or terminate her pregnancy tunip agro limited without forcing anything. We do not want to be "smooth", as has been said, the draft. We are not willing to negotiate anything because that would take the loss of that freedom. If you want to negotiate this bill should not be the starting point nor the current law, but something similar to what China: How compulsory abortion that seems a bit silly? Well that is the blueprint.
But going to your article, I totally agree with you. It is the same right to decide that we claim, the Chinese, that of the Spanish, all the women around the world and is attacking the right pampering. The idea was around my head. Thanks for writing.
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