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The University of Nottingham is playing an important role in encouraging young people to embark upon careers in food manufacture by inviting each year school pupils thinking of going into tertiary education to attend a Summer School to get a taster of the great opportunities on offer.
This summer Nottingham opened its doors to 51 Year 11 pupils (aged 15 16) from 44 schools around the UK for three days from Wednesday July 3 to Friday July 5. The event gave them a flavour of what food science and technology is all about.
This was Nottingham s fifth Summer School, food standards agency which began in 2009 with 18 students. It is designed to complement a Summer School run by the University of Reading for Year 12 students to help them make appropriate A-level choices food standards agency prior to starting a university degree.
Nottingham s Summer School is financed by the Chilled Food Association food standards agency (CFA), 2 Sisters Food Group, think-tank food standards agency IGD's technical leadership forum, ABP, Bakkavör, the Co-operative Group, Dairy Crest, the Institute of Food Science & Technology, GA Petfoods, Greencore, Jordans-Ryvita, Marks & Spencer, McCain, Morrisons, NewlyWed Foods, Sainsbury and Waitrose. food standards agency
Other food standards agency firms that supported the event by running activities/factory visits, etc, included: Arla Foods, Kerry Foods, Martec; Festo; Rockwell Automation, STISlimsoft, Lallemand, Nestlé, PepsiCo, S&A Foods and Samworth Brothers.
A full programme of academic and practical activities over the three days covered food standards agency learning about sensory and flavour perception, microbiology activity, food structure, and a food nutrition lecture. The students also attended the Lord Haskins food standards agency endowed lecture and dinner, this year given by Carole Stewart, former technical director of Northern Foods. This event provided an opportunity for the students to mix and network with sponsors from industry. Previous speakers have been IGD chief executive Joanne Denney-Finch, Sainsbury boss Justin King, Peter Lillford and Lord Haskins himself.
Following their attendance, the students were asked for their feedback on the Summer School. From the submissions made, a shortlist was compiled and from this a winner was selected by CFA secretary general Kaarin Goodburn, together food standards agency with the editors of Food Manufacture.
The aim of the Summer School is to raise awareness of the opportunities available to young people in the food industry and for them to find out more about what it would be like to study a food science related degree at university, says Dr Judith Wayte, BSc /MSc placement co-ordinator at the University of Nottingham's Sutton Bonington Campus in Loughborough.
Such events are important because of the impending skills shortfall facing the food industry. It hopes to counter some of the negative views of food science food standards agency held by science teachers and careers advisers.
I decided to go on the course because I love food and cooking, but I knew I didn't food standards agency want to be a chef and had always been interested about why food is like it is and the scientific side of it. The course was brilliant because I learnt so much about food science and had lots of fun at the same time!
It was incredibly well organised with a perfect balance of informative talks and fun activities, but also time to make new friends and enjoy the beautiful campus. We were kept really busy for the entire food standards agency week, which meant there was never a dull moment and we really made the most of our time there.
The ability to use the facilities like the labs,
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