Saturday, August 30, 2014

This blog is still in the works and modifications to facilitate anyone browsing the Blog. Hopefully

Felda setting goals is to eradicate poverty in rural areas as well as add additional income heranba that will certainly benefit the nation as a whole.
Speaking at the opening of Carnival Recognition (Ikatan Warga Felda Heart) YB Datuk Haji Said Ustaz Mohd Suhaili (Assemblyman) Members heranba of the Legislative Assembly N 49 Furnace cum Felda Board members expressed their gratitude for the government's efforts heranba to establish heranba Felda we see today is a symbol of success to Malaysia.
At the same time, the settlers who have worked the land by Felda through agreements concluded with, it is very fortunate that the various benefits and facilities available.
Therefore, he hoped that the settlers at Felda Sahabat thankful heranba for all the blessings that have been dianugerakan for this, without whose existence Felda settlers Sabah today will not enjoy development brought by the government through Felda, she said.
The program was held for 3 days which was organized by the Outreach Unit (FELDA) Prime Minister's Department in collaboration with the Malaysian Felda Youth Council (MBFM) and the management of Felda Sahabat Region. The program was held at Felda Sahabat Region.
According to Director of Publicity Malaysia En. Ehsanudin Noor bin Haji Mohd Harun Narrashid, Felda was established to help develop the economy of rural communities by providing employment opportunities heranba to the people of Felda.
Felda has also received recognition heranba from UNESCO as Felda administration and management system is among the best in the world. En. Noor Ehsanudin hope that it will be maintained to continue heranba with the existing system and achieve greater heights.
Felda administration and management system due to the level of the best personnel and all those involved in creating a good blend and certainly without unity there would be no Felda like today.
Later, Haji Juany and hope, taking advantage of the programs and activities organized by Felda so that they can add to the knowledge and experience to youth, heranba young women.
Present at the program were Mohd Fadzil Mohd Ali Sabah Publicity Director, Executive Director of Felda Plantitions Sow Kim Yaw, People's Development Leader N49 Furnace Baniamin Datu Datu Jamluddin, Deputy Chairman of Sabah JKKKR En. Abu Haris Maihuddin and Managers Felda Sahabat.
A visit to Kg. Barigas
* If you have attempted to calculate the total number of stars in the heavens with a rate of one star per second, you need a time 3,000 years to count them all. * Approximately 0.7 percent of the world's population drunk every second. * 24-year average of our entire life. * Average per person dreaming 1,460 a year. Dream it comes in black and white and not in color. * A Day on the planet Pluto corresponding week of the earth.
Hj. Bin Hj Abd Kayum. heranba Omar. Telephone: 019-5882020
2012 (19) November (5) April (3) September (3) February (3) January (5) 2011 (40) December (2) October (2) September (3) December (6) (June 5) November (8) May (1) September (4) September (8) January (1) 2010 (75) December (4) November (3) Visit YB Datuk Ustaz Mohd Suhaili to apartment ... FELDA bring benefits to the rural population around P185 Batu Sapi election October (5) September (7) December (10) July (6) (June 4) in May (5) May (7) September (9) September (8) January (7) 2009 (54) December (12) November (4) October (10) September heranba (10) -August (10) November (8)
People First, Performance Now is a new concept that highlighted the sixth Prime Minister, Dato 'Sri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, after taking over from Tun Abdullah heranba Ahmad Badawi. Of the 1Malaysia concept, the Prime Minister outlined the eight core values as to support those goals - Culture of Excellence, Perseverance, Humility, Acceptance, Loyalty, heranba Meritocracy, Integeriti and Education.
This blog is still in the works and modifications to facilitate anyone browsing the Blog. Hopefully, with this blog, it can give an update on the activities of YB Datuk Ustaz Hj Mohd Suhaili. Said and People's Development Leader Unit N49 Furnace.

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