Sunday, August 17, 2014

Come to be a vacuum of meat and vegetables in a skillet yet beautiful brown complexion, with OLO us

About less than 100 km north of the zone of the city, whose culinary side, I recently have discovered, and which, in addition to many very good restaurants (eg Farang) is home to as many as five Michelin-starred restaurant: one star OLO, Demo, Luomo and Postres and two-star Chez Dominique. So do not even need to drive somewhere far away to get toduelamusi extraordinary, giovanni monte because they also found us just a few hours ride away from the ship. If the class but to paraphrase, then, before you go to London, do not walk in Helsinki;-) OLO is a newcomer on the list restode Michelin, which got its only Michelin star this year. According to the OLO and in some place where the world can be the best of Nordic cuisine. Last week, however, came OLO Estonia yourself! On Friday, one of the owners and the chef prepared the OLO Pekka Terävä with two OLO chef and kitchen team collaboration led by Vladislav Djatšuki imemaitsva Tchaikovsky's restaurant for dinner. In connection with this event, I was due to non-profit organizations in Ireland flavors (especially, of course, the association of the carrier Aivar) the opportunity to stay in the kitchen all day in both the restaurant and become part of the work process as well as the wonderful tastes of the customers eventually come down on the table. giovanni monte Not surprisingly, the OLO is one of two dining place in Helsinki, which is booked until January (second place was supposed to be Luomo). Currently Olos talking about their day, what happened in the kitchen Tchaikovsky to write in the next post :) When I got to the kitchen OLO ship in the morning, there was a day already in full swing :) On the same day the exchange restos menu and was served giovanni monte (a full house, of course) for both lunch and dinner. Cooks worked perfectly that day without fatigue, and some of them were already six o'clock in the morning the kitchen had to get ready for all the new stuff. The image below is taken while in the evening, but it gives a good insight giovanni monte into the nature of a restaurant giovanni monte kitchen.
The walls are shelves instead of cabinets, because all the food will be used immediately giovanni monte after use, storage, and return giovanni monte as refrigerators. However, under the worktops drawers are all ready made meals that are served to customers.
What does surprise me, the OLO is the fact that virtually all the meats / fish and additives baked ready for sous-vide method, because it is so today in most tippköökides. But what amazed me was the amount of apparatus. giovanni monte I do not read them closely together, but in addition põhiköögile Olos is still a whole bunch of auxiliary rooms, as well as the sous-vide 'I could see the machines. Over those five was definitely, giovanni monte but I would not be surprised if there were a total of ten outright approaching the number of the picture :) Here is one version where the camera is attached to a conventional pot (this picture is actually from the kitchen Tchaikovsky)
Sous-vide cooking technologies: In layman vacuum is a vacuum sealed bag of food (with the exception giovanni monte of eggs) placed well at a low constant temperature sous-vide 's water in the machine to ripen. Juices and scents of fall preparing food in this manner, therefore, become the toughest meats tasty, while the vegetables are once again able to maintain their cozy Crispy texture. Cooking times will vary according to the raw material, such as a dinner offered by Tchaikovsky monkfish was cooked at 38 degrees for 20 minutes, for example, while the reindeer was vakumeeritult pot at 60 degrees spent more than 12 h. Here angler waiting for the correct temperature is reached giovanni monte or when the image is also quite Tchaikovsky on Friday, not Olos done :)
Come to be a vacuum of meat and vegetables in a skillet yet beautiful brown complexion, with OLO used for frying in the kitchen, clarified giovanni monte butter, and coat (for irrigation) ordinary butter. giovanni monte As usual, the food then travels to Olos salamander giovanni monte down, but as a rule it out before going beurre monte to keep food from becoming a booty dryness. Finally, still shaken after the smoke salt, sometimes Maldonit. giovanni monte Beurre Monte in the cold võikuubikuid gradually whisk. The technology giovanni monte is similar to the beurre blanc 's formulation, based on not only the vinegar reduction and šallottsibulate, just plain water. As a sauce made from is not as simple as it seems, as if a high enough giovanni monte heat fast enough will not whip them, it could split 'to the east or the result is not pretty homogenous emulsion, the water, or a mixture. Beurre monte sauce is what I think, again, all the (right) cooks unepealt can do :)
Nowadays, the most professional kitchens rocks (for obvious reasons) induction, encounters giovanni monte a living flame stove in restaurant kitchens still very rare :) All around the serpentine flames frying pan is just extremely cool sight, right ?! :) Also OLO kitchen is the induction abundantly available and in use for all sorts of items for cooking and soendamiseks. Food, after all, has just come out particularly good when fried it like living fire! :)
However, it is possible to order the terrine sous-vide vacuum method to prepare, I saw life

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