Thursday, June 5, 2014

Regarding the rest of your question, I

INTERVIEW / Rama: Filogrekë not us, but those who prayed Sea Greece dshs tx | Journal Web
To start a conversation about the book, why should a politician who is still active and who is also among the contenders to take power, to write a book to show a decade of his work?
The practice of writing books by people policy is common practice in the democratic world. Albanian is not practical, but let him become an Albanian dshs tx practice. There is nothing dshs tx better dshs tx to add another way of communication through the written word, allowing longer than a newspaper article.
While browsing the book always goes back to the part of the song of "West Side Story" - "where the mayor should speak with a megaphone". I have the impression that the book, among other things, is also a grumble of your anger for all those little things that no Albanians think they have gone to the lowest, while at the same time you sharing your ideas and how to make things better dshs tx ?
Would not call it anger, but I would call it more of an emotional burden, but also to share intellectual from others in conditions where, for obvious dshs tx reasons, this burden dshs tx was more than enough to not only remain within me . It is a book written for the future, seeing it in the statement of the past.
The book has caused numerous controversies in Albania, while we live in a time when internet access is easy and inexpensive in Albania and Kosovo, and where people are bombarded with different opinions about the book. What you believe dshs tx is your most powerful argument to say that people forget what is said of you read the book?
To avoid creating a misconception heard the comments of others, but to each his idea created through direct reading. Certainly commented books, but not written dshs tx for comment, but written to be read ...
Sacrifice is an event happened which begins the book and I believe that is a moment that defines a framework for the book and for this reason I prefer to Kurban dshs tx book title ... Well, leveraging from an event.
Sacrifice not you? We know that you decided to write the book after you have finally stopped trying, as you say, to preserve the Municipality of Tirana who stole power, while your withdrawal is made after the intervention of the international community. dshs tx Do you feel yourself that you do sacrifice some political games of great powers?
It has no connection with the major powers, to tell the truth. The truth is paradoxical that despite appearances, what happened to Tirana created conditions for our new political course for fully unmasked a process and an unfair election system that today is the focus of everyone as a necessity for change.
If this would have happened after 2009 and our course would have been such a long time ago, but because it did not happen, so we remained for a short time not only witnessed the theft of the 2009 - es, were forced behaving dshs tx as was brought, because only so can garantonim expressing opposition in Albania and can garantonim pluralistic necessary balance in Albania. Today we are in other conditions.
Regarding the rest of your question, I'm not Sacrifice, because I am here before you. Maybe I wrote a book and with all the energy and passion necessary to advance the political battle.
Mr. Rama, you have been very well known in Kosovo since the time when you first become mayor of Tirana and then you become one of the main political players in Albania and it normally has and its influence on Kosovo. But for you, as settle Kosovo in this 11-year-old that you've written your book also?
As mayor of Tirana, Kosovo has taken place as a significant presence in Tirana visitors, of all ages, especially teenagers. dshs tx Talk about in the book ... They have given me a valuable part of the success of the transformation satisfaction of Tirana. Certainly not the transformations occurring in Tirana, their presence would not have been what it was, and grew over the years.
As leader dshs tx of the opposition Socialist Party, Kosovo has occupied a very important place in our political agenda and in my political endeavors. dshs tx We have modestly given what met us to give in support of the historical processes dshs tx that have been fortunate enough to live and political leaders in Kosovo, regardless.
However it is known that you are the most biased person in Kosovo ... We have seen in some of your public appearances here in Kosovo had to explain your position once again about issues like the highway or even when you are faced with that if SP is Greek philosopher party ... Have a stand why this happens?
I absolutely dshs tx do not blame the opinion here that h

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