Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Chronic stress increases the arterial pressure is added to atherosclerosis that may be caused by th

- 11 simple steps to lower high cholesterol! is canned food bad for you | GAZETTE HEALTH
The doctor has told you that you have high cholesterol. Then, the first thing you should do is that you need to alter your eating and lifestyle to reduce the risk of heart disease. These simple tips will help you keep optimum levels of cholesterol.
Our body needs cholesterol to function properly, but we also own produce this substance in our liver. Food that is offered today contains large amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol while increasing is canned food bad for you levels too much in our blood. LDL is the "bad" that the amount on the nevojshmen, causes is canned food bad for you the buildup of plaque in the arteries, leading to heart disease. HDL cholesterol is the "good" which, is canned food bad for you on the other side, helps to clear bad cholesterol from circulation. We must increase is canned food bad for you the level of HDL and reduce LDL's, starting with the diet!
Portions who served in bowls today, are bringing us almost is canned food bad for you doubled is canned food bad for you in overweight and high cholesterol. To have an orientation for quantities, can use as a measure is canned food bad for you palm of your hand. Portions of meat should not be more than the palm of the hand. Fruit and pastes, such as rice, pasta, peas your fist. All hand and greens as fat as the index finger.
Fruits and vegetables must meet 5 servings every day. Fibers, vitamins and antioxidants in these foods are strongest ally against cholesterol and its oxidation. Oxidation of cholesterol is the main factor leading to the formation is canned food bad for you of arterial plaque. These foods also help greatly to reduce blood pressure and body weight.
Fatty fish, like sardines and salmon, is very helpful to lower cholesterol and protect the heart. By placing the fish 2-3 times per week in your menu as part of a balanced diet, will get the benefits of omega 3 fatty lyrore in lowering triglycerides.
A breakfast rich in fiber, such as oats and yogurt with berries, is a very good start that lasts for the entire day, giving you a sense of satiety for a longer time. Other ideas are milk for breakfast cereals, muesli as; black bread with a little olive oil, cottage cheese and tomato or cucumber; and non-fat yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts or almonds.
When you scroll through the house, because eating is canned food bad for you something you are looking for nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, kasius, sunflower seeds kugulli. These foods protect against oxidation of cholesterol and reduce inflammation in the arteries. Their fats also help our silhouette. But careful; these foods should be consumed with Karar, because they are hiperkalorike!
Olive oil is extra virgin curative against heart disease and helps increase good cholesterol. But the daily amount should not exceed 4 large spoons is canned food bad for you after his caloric overload can cause an increase in weight!
Beans and lentils are rich in fiber and magnesium. These two elements help reduce cholesterol that is absorbed from the digestive system and the welfare of the arteries, respectively. is canned food bad for you Beans also contain some plant stanols, which compete with kolestorolin helping to lower his blood.
Enough 30 minutes of daily physical activity (20 minutes of intense activity at least 3 times a week, such as the speed with), to lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol - although more activity is even better. Activity also helps you keep an optimal body weight and reduces the risk of blood clots in your arteries. If you can not consistently train yourselves 30 minutes, 3 times from 10 minutes is not bad!
If you do not like the idea of ran or going to the gym, you can very well increase the minutes and walking distances during the day. Walking protects from cardiac episodes and helps to build strong bones. You can start with 10 minutes a day and increase to 40 minutes by performing walking quickly in the middle 20 minutes.
Chronic stress increases the arterial pressure is added to atherosclerosis that may be caused by the formation of plaque from high cholesterol. For some people, stress can cause high cholesterol increases. Help yourself to reduce is canned food bad for you stress with techniques such as relaxation, is canned food bad for you meditation, deep breathing and regular etc..
Losing weight is definitely great victory against heart disease. Being obese predispozon high cholesterol, hypertension and diabetes screening. All of these negatively affect the welfare of our arteries. is canned food bad for you Losing weight, especially around the abdomen, which is related to the strengthening of the arteries, helps protect cardiac system.
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Jun 3, 20

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