Friday, May 1, 2015

The greatest value are the processing of land, giving 88% of humanity needed food. The bulk of the

Objective: To describe the importance of agriculture and the peculiarities of its development in the modern world, to form the concept of "agrarian relations" and to consider the main forms of agrarian relations; identify sectoral composition and intersectoral collaboration in agriculture; develop the ability to characterize the major agricultural areas using maps Atlases and other sources of geographical knowledge; cultivate independent thinking, interest in the topic.
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Which of the two following statements do you agree: "The chemical industry - the main polluter of the environment" or "Chemical industry - a future that creates murukku machine technology of complex processing of raw materials"? Give your opinion.
Clearly, the industry is the leading sector of material production in the world today, but next to it is the oldest sector of humanity - agriculture. It also now occupied almost half of the economically active population. Despite the fact that in the world there is a general tendency to reduce the number of employees in agriculture, its value increases through the food problem, which is exacerbated with population growth on the planet.
So, whether the industry is to fulfill its main task - to feed multibillion population? What are the main factors determining the development of agriculture in the world? Where are the areas - the main "breadwinner" of the planet? As agriculture will develop in the future? Answers to these questions you will learn in class today.
Agriculture still plays a leading role in the provision of food, and some industries - raw materials. The volume of agricultural production in the world is growing, but relatively murukku machine low rates. Therefore, the share of the agricultural sector in the global economy reduced. At the beginning of. its share in the world gross output value was only several percent.
This sharp contrast is caused by high productivity of agricultural production in developed countries. For example, in the US a busy worker murukku machine in this field provides products nearly 139 residents, and in Ukraine - only 12-13.
Active implementation of scientific and technological help to obtain great economic benefit for lower costs of labor and energy. Complex mechanization of all industries, murukku machine use of chemicals, and agricultural applications of biological science leading murukku machine to high efficiency of agricultural production. In developed countries, agriculture is a part of the agroindustrial complex (AIC) - a system of interconnected sectors of agriculture, chemical industry, machinery, transport and service infrastructure, manufacturing, science institutions, banks and others. murukku machine
Despite the high proportion of workers in agriculture, developing countries are not even able to provide their own food needs. Therefore, humanity remains urgent food problem, which substantiated the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
The greatest value are the processing of land, giving 88% of humanity needed food. The bulk of the manufacturing area is in the Northern Hemisphere. More than half of them located in Europe and Asia and 15% - in North America. Its per capita in the world accounting for 0.25 hectares of arable land. Important and pastures that provide 10% of food.
The main socio-economic factors of agricultural production is agrarian relations, depending on the mode of production, forms of land ownership, land use.
In economically developed countries, much of the land fund and the basic productive capacity of agricultural production concentrated in farms. The basis for the organization of production is a family murukku machine farm (with minimum murukku machine wage labor). Part of the land owned by the state (1 / 4-1 / 3 area) and large agribusiness monopolies murukku machine and church.
For developing countries, inherent in various forms of tenure: from small community or family land holdings to large estates (in Latin America) and the feudal estates tribal leaders, sheikhs, sultans (in Asia and Africa).
In step adjustment is land tenure and agricultural production post-socialist transition economies. The former collective and state farms, communes convert

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