Monday, April 27, 2015

-Vizmit 1 egg, 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Beat egg, add honey and butter. All t

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-Vizmit 1 egg, 1 teaspoon honey and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Beat egg, add honey and butter. All the heat in a water bath (the need to ensure that eggs are not zhornulosya). Dip your fingertips in the mixture. After 10 minutes, remove the remnants of nails mixture and apply nourishing cream. - Useful tips -Don't brush wet hair. Wet hair when combing too tightened and thus damaged. Most experts suggest combing hair after 8 hours after washing, during time to collect natural hair oil. - Useful tips -Planuyte meals. People, Weight Watchers, exercise plan and eating, so never dine immediately after the gym. Just know that when you eat. Of course, first you will be surprised how much junk food you eat and how often snack. But just realizing it, you will surely succeed. After knowing that there is going to, you will be much easier to pass confectionery. --Rozchisuyte Hair one large movement from the roots to the tips of the hair. The natural oil produced by hair follicles or bulbs, moisturizes and protects hair. When you brush your hair over the entire length, while the oil is evenly distributed throughout the hair. And this is important. If your hair is long, it is usually when combing oil does not reach the hair ends, and then she most needed. - Helpful hints -Many who suffer from troubles such as excessive sweating palms. But you can use folk remedies! Perfectly copes with the problem of ammonia bath (1 h. Spoon of alcohol per liter of water). mono & diglycerides It is recommended to do such a lotion 2-3 times a day, duration - approximately 10 minutes Helps same broth derived from oak bark, nettle infusion of sage (1 tbsp. Spoon nettle, 1 tbsp. Spoon of sage and 1 liter H2O) or bath vinegar (3 tablespoons diluted h essences mixed with 1 liter of water). --Nikoly Not miss dinner. Take the example of other women who are trying to lose weight, give up some meals, for example, the dinner or lunch. You have to eat regularly, but the main thing - remember calorie dishes. - Useful tips -Sprobuy not eat at night and sleep with hungry stomach for 1-2 weeks and you begin to see light bright dreams and wake up every morning mono & diglycerides in a good mood and are encouraged to anything, get up in the morning mono & diglycerides and be fresh without lingering desire lying in bed half the day. -Sprobuy Not added to food two seasonings: salt and pepper and you will see that you can eat 2-3 times less food for 1-2 weeks body ceases to swell, and in a month you are markedly grow thin (only applies overweight) . -To Prevent double chin or get rid of an existing, regularly do exercise. Sit in front of a mirror, your elbows should be based on the table and chin touching fingers. Close the teeth, chin slightly slide forward and gently lift. Closed mono & diglycerides fingers lightly pats on the chin. Make at least 30 fast light blows. Repeat this exercise several times a day. - Useful tips -Malenkyy secret languid beauty - lashes shaded her eyes. For such dense lush lashes, use a lotion for the eyelashes. They can be made from calendula tincture and cornflowers. Preparation of infusion is very simple. mono & diglycerides This will require flowers Marigold or cornflowers - today they can be found in any pharmacy. A mixture of equal parts pour boiling water and leave for 3 days. When infusion is ready, wet compress them (eg, cotton swabs) and twenty minutes making a mask on the eyes. -To Improve color: mix 2 parts infusion of green tea and cream and clean faces. This will reduce the sweat in the heat. A wiping zone breeches improve contour thighs. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. --Olyvkova Oil - useful and tasty product that is able to do on our figure is a beneficial effect. It turns out that it helps to reduce appetite naturally! The fact that the feeling of satiety formed with the participation oleyletanolamid substance that is produced in the body under the influence of oleic acid. It is this acid in the composition of olive oil and helps load up less food. - Useful for

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