Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fresh nettle leaves, wearing gloves, cut the stem with, wash and put on a napkin pidsushytysya. cur

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Often, in order to bring the hair does not need expensive medications. They perfectly replace natural cures herbs, even Buryanov - such as nettles. curing green olives You can use fresh herb can be dried, the effect is guaranteed, fast growing, shiny, fluffy hair. Earlier nettle included in the list of herbs in any doctor. And for the stomach and slimming and cleansing, and as a treatment for seasonal vitamin deficiency, and for bathing babies ... In the arsenal of every woman's hair mask with nettles. Now it is used less frequently. And for good reason: its healing curing green olives properties did not decreased.
You need only know that grass harvesting is carried away from the roadway, the best - in rural areas. The meeting - May-June. Drying - on paper, in a shady place until the stem starts to break. Storage - in a plastic or glass jar in a dark place. List of useful features is impressive: getting rid of dandruff, itching removal; normalization of acid-shtelochnogo balance curing green olives of the skin; hair strengthening and protection of their loss; "Repair" damaged hair structure; stimulation of growth. Nettle hair to grow and strengthen curing green olives Krapivny juice to strengthen hair
Fresh nettle leaves, wearing gloves, cut the stem with, wash and put on a napkin pidsushytysya. curing green olives Skip through a juicer or grinder. Fold in cheesecloth, squeeze the juice. Purely curing green olives washed locks, dried to the point of mild humidity comb to separate the juice and rub into the hair roots. Remains of juice can be distributed over the entire length of hair (not required). curing green olives Stinging hair - effective medication, especially if it withstand the hair a few hours, under a shower cap. - 10 sessions. Krapivny broth for hair growth
Means, not only stimulating hair growth, but also strengthening. Wearing gloves on his hands, crushed 3 stol.l. leaves and stems of fresh nettle tops (you can substitute chopped 2 dried nettle stol.l.). On fire is put saucepan with 600 grams of water. In boiling water, throw nettle leaves, reduce heat to low, cook for 15 minutes. Add a cup of apple cider or wine vinegar, boil for 15 minutes. The broth to cool, drain. After washing your hair with a mild shampoo hair this decoction should be washed in a basin or rinse several times. Decoction of hair to give to drain naturally for 2-3 minutes, then wrap the hair with a towel for 10-15 minutes. curing green olives Then the hair is dried naturally and comb. nettle to reduce greasy hair and getting rid of dandruff
Skip nettle leaves through a meat grinder. It has come out about cup of nettle curing green olives slurry. Add 1 chayn.l. coarse salt, mix, apply on hair roots (combing through hanks). Then massage movements rub mixture into the scalp. Wear a shower cap, scarf hair tie and leave the mixture for an hour. Rinse with water with soap, rinse with a solution of citric acid. Hair to dry naturally. Course - 12 to 15 procedures. The most commonly used herbal teas or fruit juice. But oil can be cooked nettle hair. Mince the leaves and tops of stems of fresh, carefully washed nettle, fill it half-liter bank. The bank pour heated to 150-200 g 40o or stone olive oil. Bank cover, wrap a warm towel or handkerchief. Set in a dark place for 10 days, shaking 1-2 times a day, then drain, squeeze grounds. Oil will be pale green or dark green. Use it to prevent hair loss, rubbing them in problem areas for 30 minutes before washing.
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