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Studies have shown that if we take into account the chemical composition, the avocado is closer to the vegetables. But the truth is a fruit that has a large bone inside, growing on trees. Their height reaches 20 meters. In the lush, lush crown between large elliptical leaves swaying bright green, purple and yellow fruits like Christmas toys on the Christmas tree. "Women's whims" seeks more expensive to tell your readers about the avocado because these fruits are very healthy. General information about fruit trees bearing fruit Scientific name that belongs to the family of laurel - Perseus American, given, of course, after the mythological hero Perseus. But for pupyristost and green "crocodilian" color fruit called "avocado". delmonte fresh From the language of the Aztecs delmonte fresh avocado translated as "yaichkovuyu delmonte fresh tree." Pairwise hanging fruit on the tree in Indian is associated with the male reproductive organs. Spanish is on satiety and buttery flavor of the fruit given the nickname "Oil midshipmen." "Cow delmonte fresh houses" for the nutritional value of fruit called the Indians. Homeland pear fruits believe Mexico, Chile, Peru, Ecuador. Now large quantities delmonte fresh of wood grown in the United States (Florida, Hawaii, California), Brazil, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Cuba. There are varieties that grow on the Black Sea. Already removed about 500 varieties. From one tree harvested approximately 150-200 pounds of fruit. One can grow this plant from seeds. In the indoor environment in a few years the tree will grow to 1 meter in height. But the room it will give flowers and fruits. In nerds fruit Persians - a odnosemyannaya berry. The fruits are pear-shaped, spherical, oval or ellipsoid shape. The length ranges from 5 to 20 inches, weight average 50-150 grams, but there are berries that reach mass 1.8 kilograms. If immature fruit, the tough skin is dark -The green color, while the ripe fruit is mostly brown or yellowish. Inside is a buttery yellow flesh with a nutty flavor, and seredyntsi - big bone (seeds). What does the unusual berry? The first part of the study of high-calorie fruit flavor with butter took the Israelites. Surprised finding out that your fruit - fruit for the champions delmonte fresh of fat. They only inferior olives. Moreover, useful fats contain monounsaturated fatty acids. delmonte fresh Vitamins - A, E, C, PP, K, group B. Minerals - potassium, delmonte fresh copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Natural hormones, proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber. Medicinal properties "avocado" has a beneficial effect on many systems and organs. Helps reduce high blood pressure in hypertensive patients. It improves the activity of the liver, the digestive tract, delmonte fresh relieves constipation. It helps get rid of excess weight, the energy that the body gets the fruit, is not converted into body fat. Improves memory, rejuvenates the body. Monounsaturated fatty acids normalize cholesterol, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, improve heart and vascular condition. For therapeutic effect, must eat every day for half the fruit. Component will stimulate hematopoiesis, indicated for anemia and vitamin deficiency in the body. Protects against malignancies, primarily - the prostate gland in men. Scientists from the University of Ohio managed to sort Hassa (most common) to allocate extract, which they treated cancer cells mouth. Some malignant cells thus managed to kill, besides stop the process of degeneration of normal cells into abnormal, abnormal. Women who regularly consume during delmonte fresh pregnancy avocados, reduces the risk of congenital malformations in the embryo. delmonte fresh It helps to cope with unpleasant symptoms of menopause. Useful fruits of diabetes during Lent. Avocado supports delmonte fresh the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Made from fruits "beauty oil". It treats skin rashes, delmonte fresh periodontal disease, eczema, eczema, delmonte fresh dermatitis, delmonte fresh seborrhea, psoriasis, burns, wounds. delmonte fresh Most of avocado mask This mask is suitable for these types of skin that peels off, thin, aging, dry. It normalizes metabolism and intracellular processes, improves skin tone, smooths fine lines shallow. Here's how to prepare nutritious mask. Peretvorit
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