Monday, April 20, 2015

All the foods that you eat should be combined correctly. Violation methods of preservation of food

Proper nutrition for weight loss, menus and recipes | Lose Weight Together! methods of preservation of food
Too often we forget methods of preservation of food that the body - a temple of the soul, and it must keep clean. And no matter how many truths have not presented folk wisdom, to listen to their own health, we begin too late. It may be worth a little early to draw attention to good nutrition? methods of preservation of food Menu for the week, composed of the mind, helps maintain normal physical and spiritual health.
First of all, any food should be fresh. And no matter how tempting and convenient fast food may seem, should not be overlooked varied methods of preservation of food and balanced menu. Fortunately, the error has debunked that great food can be useful. No need to have special culinary skills to cook something for the soul and health - is the foundation of proper nutrition for weight loss.
It is important to diversify their food raw fruits and vegetables. This is an invaluable source of vitamins and minerals, many essential trace elements the body needs for proper operation. Furthermore, salad vegetables, cabbage, fresh fruit will help keep diet without burdening calories. If you can not do without heat treatment, it is best to choose steaming or baking and cooking vegetables in whole or in large pieces.
Those who suffer from obesity, need not choose the path of least resistance or refer to extreme weight loss methods. A reasonable approach will bring long-awaited results. Enough to make the correct diet for weight loss and make your treatment more active, and the figure will start to come back to normal. It is important methods of preservation of food to pay attention to the energy value of each meal, as the number of calories consumed should not exceed methods of preservation of food the amount spent. But if a piece of cake was too tempting, have it out with a vengeance in the gym, and the next time hardly goodies seem so much attractive.
Matters correct diet for weight loss. Not only is the food at least five times a day in small portions. Eating should also be measured. It is better to take some time for meals and stick to it, that is, without hurry, always sitting. Only then dish will bring not only fun, but also benefit. Menu proper nutrition
All the foods that you eat should be combined correctly. Violation methods of preservation of food of this rule entails heaviness in the stomach, flatulence and other troubles. For example, foods rich in protein such as red meat, pork or lamb, preferably supplemented with vegetables and herbs, and starch, carbohydrates or dairy products are best not to combine. Also, do not fit into the composition goodies that contain a lot of acid, such as tomatoes. And it is necessary to reduce the daily serving of foods high in fat.
More than once said that good nutrition, a balanced menu which includes plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits. Last also be included in the diet wisely. For example, better eat fruit on an empty stomach. It is important not to mix fruits with high sugar content from those that contain a lot of acid, and indeed of fruit salads should be abandoned. Nor should complete fruit or dessert heavy meal to avoid overloading the already worker stomach.
If you choose the proper diet for weight loss, the menu is more important. Keep in mind that every meal should be approximately in terms dvohsothramovyh glass. If you continue to think metaphorically, the serving of meals at a time should not exceed methods of preservation of food the size of a fist, a portion of fish or meat - no more hands, vegetables or fruit - two fist.
Varied menu suggests that the day you receive the required amount of fats and carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements and minerals, vitamins, drink enough fluids. To get rid of night "breakdowns" important good breakfast and dinner. Dinner should be approximately methods of preservation of food one quarter of the total daily diet. And, of course, have to completely forget the night vigil in the refrigerator, because at this time the body needs to rest and not expend energy on digestion. No wonder there are usually three hours before bedtime. If tightly dinner before you go to bed, you can earn not only indigestion, but heavy trouble sleeping, swelling, headache and fatigue morning.
Composing exemplary menu nutrition, should not underestimate the intermediate meals, such as lunch and afternoon tea. A small "snack" help prevent overeating, quench methods of preservation of food hunger, away from the variability of the diet. The best option for such a meal - one or two servings of fruit or light yogurt. You can choose other options, as long as the food was low-calorie, useful and burdensome.
It is known that excess weight has never been exclusively female problem methods of preservation of food and deal with it and have a strong half of mankind. However, in this powerful

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