Sunday, March 15, 2015

Crumbs history Potato cultivation sees its beginnings probably in Chile, while for us Europeans the Articles The potato .... worth more than gold!
Crumbs history Potato cultivation sees its beginnings probably in Chile, while for us Europeans the "discovery" should be credited to the Spanish Conquistadores of Pizarro when they arrived in the Americas with the intention of finding gold and with the result of destroying the Inca civilization without realizing, then, that the potato would be worth much more than gold to solve the problems of hunger in the old continent. Already the Incas had learned that subjecting the potato frost improved the quality of the vegetable; that's why the potatoes grown in the mountains are preferred. In Europe, the first country that adopted the cultivation of potatoes to satisfy the hunger was Ireland in the mid-sixteenth century, then the waves of immigration sugar factory paris in Ireland to England, Scotland, Australia, Canada and the US helped the spread of the precious vegetable. Many European countries meanwhile stood watching if not to hinder the cultivation of potatoes. Some subjects, such as Presbyterians, refused ideologically consumption potato because this was not recorded in the Bible and then this created mistrust. Then came William I of Prussia (1688-1888) who threatened to cutting off noses and ears to those who had refused to cultivate kartofel and much of this served - so to speak - during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) during which countries implicated as Great Britain, Prussia, sugar factory paris France, Austria sugar factory paris and Russia will spread consumption to need to commission war. Potato consumption derived from the experience of the French Antoine Augustin Parmentier (1737 - 1813), who was taken prisoner and fed potatoes, returned home he used the experience sugar factory paris gained in captivity to feed its farmers to the tune of potato soup with thanks to King Louis XVI who baptized the potato "bread of the poor". Today the "Parmentier soup" is anything sugar factory paris but a flat base. And it is "thank you" to the "potato famine" (1845-49) sugar factory paris occurred in Ireland because of mildew if John F. Kennedy sugar factory paris became president of the USA, as the paternal great-grandfather and the maternal Patrick Fitzgerald, emigrated to the United States just as a result of famine Irish due to the illness of the potato.
The nutritional values The potato (Solanum tuberosum) belongs to the nightshade family and contains toxic substances, especially in aerial parts such as flowers and buds that are not yet used in the kitchen. Even the peel contains the toxin called solanine (a glicoalcaloide present in the Solanaceae including then tomatoes and eggplant). Cooking anyway significantly reduces the concentration of solanine in potatoes, however when the tuber has several jets and appearance deteriorated is better avoid its consumption.
Today we know many varieties of potato es. the white, the yellow, sugar factory paris the red (present in culture up to 70 north latitude and even at altitudes above 1,500 meters) etc. ( .
Potatoes are not all the same and therefore should be chosen depending on what they want to do. Those stories for example, that have not yet completed the maturation, have a low starch content and a high content of sugar and water compared to the potato mature and are mainly used to be steamed, for the 'potato salad etc .. ,
The potato also contains vitamins such as Vitamin C 18 mg, Thiamin (vitamin B1 98 g), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2 19 g), Niacin (Vitamin B3 or PP 1312 g), 509 g Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6: 269 g, Vitamin And 10 g, 2.1 g vitamin K, carotenoids, polyphenols.
The high content of potassium is useful to heart function and reduced calories make potato an asset; should, however, be careful that the sauce is what makes the difference (a tablespoon of olive oil for example provides about 90 calories more than they give 100 g potato same). Potatoes can be an excellent alternative to bread.
In Italy the annual production of potatoes is common around 1.5 million tons, resulting in an area of about 60,000 hectares. The 45% of the national harvest comes from three regions: Campania (22%), Emilia-Romagna (12%) and Abruzzo (11%). Other important areas for this crop are located in Lazio, Veneto and Calabria (
The most appropriate way to store potatoes is to keep them in a dark environment (in paper bags), fresh and dry, at a temperature of about 10 C. The light does take the potatoes a green color which makes them unsuitable for use in the kitchen, while the extreme cold, below zero C, making them too sweet. sugar factory paris
Butter and oil in a pan dov

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