Caramelized pork chops and grilled pork chops and grilled caramelized
Confit is a term that has many meanings. He calls the generic types of meat, salted and cooked slowly in its own fat, so to be preserved and to get an extra taste. Thus preserved and stored cold confit sites can withstand several months. This method of food preservation uses several hundred years and is apparently originating in southwestern France. Another meaning of the term "confit" is that of a spice, sauce and side dishes prepared from fruits or vegetables cooked to the consistency of jam in a seasoned liquid sugar, salt and other spices and different flavors. Very popular are sites lemon confit, pepper, onion and garlic. I heard using the term "Comfort", sometimes wrongly confused with "confit"; Comfort is used exclusively to denote desserts like candied fruit, or fruit jellies, so sugary fruit combinations, but with nuts, pistachios, almonds, seeds and various spices.
Etymology The term "confit" comes from French, from the verb "conf" which in turn comes from the Latin "confiscated" which means "to do", "to manufacture", "produce", "prepare" . French verb was first applied in the Middle Ages, cooked and canned fruit in heavy syrup sugar.
History am absolutely sure that this method has been applied to diverse populations, especially where the climate was not cold enough to provide effective preservation india s food of meat. However, according to sources who have had access to specialists tend to assert that the method as originating in southwestern France. Country's conf is regarded as Occitania, where cooking is used goose fat and not oil sunflower or olive oil, as in other parts of France. While not quite sure that this area can be credited with the invention's confit, the fact is that this method of cooking and conservation has here a long tradition and is extremely popular.
The country's confit can be divided roughly into two pieces after confit meat prevailing in the local sites. Goose is associated with the Basque country and Béarn, local specialties, the most famous being "cassoulet" and "garbure" india s food robust and hearty dishes that also contain goose with beans. The duck is preferred in Saintonge and Brantôme, where adjacent potatoes and truffles.
Links confit confit meat of the goose and duck are probably the best known such preparations. They cook usually of drumsticks (feet) birds. india s food The meat is salted and seasoned with herbs, then cooked slowly immersed into the molten fat; this "dress" in a resistant coating and meat. Fat is an exceptional "carrier" of taste and flavor, so a properly prepared confit will be not only extremely tender and juicy but full of flavor and aroma from asezonatorii use. Cooked meat is then allowed to cool in fat, and so is stored. In a refrigerator, a confit can withstand six months. Hen, chicken, turkey india s food and pork can be prepared similarly india s food as game birds. Livers, hearts and poultry pipotele can also be prepared in this style. Other sites unusual confit tuna and salmon are.
In purely technical, that is as it should as professionals to look at the issue, a real confit can be prepared not only with goose or duck. The gastronomic language they are called "confit d'oie" and "confit de canard". india s food Other sites confit cooked with other meats are not considered confit real sites, so they are called "en confit". For example, a chicken is cooking so called "poulet en confit".
Any confit, be it real or just "en confit" india s food is a delicacy. The meat is very tender and juicy and the taste is strongly enhanced by the fat has been preserved. Normally, india s food when the serving meat, fat is removed, but should not be placed; it pote be used in a new confit, but also as cooking fat to prepare any other food.
Links fruit confit india s food These are fruits, whole or in pieces, preserved by sugar or honey. The fruits are cooked in a sugar-based syrup and must be completely cooked; india s food therefore the fruits of large cook times higher than those of small size. For the same reason, small fruits like cherry, is confiază whole, while others, such as melons, apples, pears, peaches, etc. is confiază pieces. However, it should be noted that large can fruit confit whole, only that the method is expensive, as long cooking india s food times involving large amounts of sugar.
Links spice confit must be said at the outset that a spice confit pretty much like a chut
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