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Bunn,, mw tanya2 dong .. Weve ga ya pregnant women should eat the same pineapple lamb weston fries papaya .. because aq lg want the same pickled papaya pineapple sauce that his sound kretes2 lamb weston fries if eaten the same laws ga .. blh mkn mengkel papaya, said his sap his danger for the fetus hard pineapple ga .. if my reply Adek be the same midwife, pdhal it if that UDH mateng nyari pineapple fruit, cooked so UDH until layuu lg .. till ya imagine nelen ludahh teruss ..
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yes ya bun louisa,, PGN-made pineapple sauce mama .. weve mknan first favorite,, tp UDH for long BNR NEVER lg,, skrg tiba2 kebayang2 muluu .. kalo udh kacauuu bginii .. period should only be dibayangin wrote sihh ..
well ... tuh tasty pineapple sauce Seger ^ _ ^ jg ak just do not understand, the time anyway make pineapple miscarriage huh??? maybe just for precaution wrote it, who knows the content is weak! 3 months lamb weston fries pregnant because lamb weston fries less time, ak jg eating durian not napa2 ...
setauku there are so many bund,, if a doctor my friend n my doctor did not mantangin lamb weston fries any fruit, he really, really nutritious fruit enak2 not be eaten ... hehehee. but yes we need to know its portion, such as durian wrote,, folic acid good for the fetus, but yes if so yes danger segelundhung eat right, eat 1-2 seeds probably wrote enough, rich jackfruit or may Cempedak bun, but the fruit that's make our stomach acid rising lamb weston fries air Because gas, so yes pinter2 we also make out-milihnya .. also lihat2 bund condition lamb weston fries of pregnancy, if there is no problem that a yes oke2 wrote,, mending still consult a doctor mother let ya quieter .. I before marriage right there KIR marriage in community health lamb weston fries centers, community health centers together nutritionists, recommended during pregnancy and should not eat papaya papaya (usually dioseng), because it can cause the placenta do not want to get out of her sticky alias in the womb and must dikuret lamb weston fries ...
oh so yes mother arimbi,, hehe .. thanks ya for infonyaa papaya if I knew her in-laws weve fitting buka2 google,, nahh kebaca dehh tuhh if ga Hamill mother may make pineapple ga tw .. if dehh, blm sempet googling2 ... sedihh ditolakk salahh diturutin also one of Myspace jd ..
bund ya, I'm googling,, Pineapples and Soda for Pregnant Women Source: DI mothers Can pregnant women eat pineapple pieces and Coke during pregnancy? Mother Dt argued so far as he had read from one of the reference, sorry forgot the exact source, pineapples can trigger the hormone prostaglandin. These prostaglandins can trigger contractions. So if you're tired and pregnancy including the problematic, it is better not to consume pineapple during pregnancy. But in a healthy condition and the pregnancy is okay to not be troubled pregnant women eat pineapple in small amounts, because pineapple is quite healthy and contain lots of vitamin C. If only a small effect is also expected. If Coke is not good, first because there are but empty calories lamb weston fries of nutrition, both because it can trigger the production of gas in the stomach. So if the stomach is less strong so begah / lot of gas, nausea easy. But once again. if only slightly sich felt not too problematic, his name is also a desire. [dt] Similar to Dt mother, Mrs. Ys also argues lamb weston fries basically drink or eat anything (including sweet pineapple) for pregnant women is okay as long as it is not excessive, especially the pregnancy has passed the first trimester, which is often expressed as a vulnerable period of pregnancy. In pregnancy, the mother Ys DSOG suggested not to consume durian and pineapple at 1-3 months gestation. [Ys] A similar opinion lamb weston fries was delivered right mother MD-2. But another experience that MJM's mother, lamb weston fries in their second pregnancy, the mother can not Mgt through the day without drinking a Coke, so in 1 day Mgt mother lamb weston fries consumes at least 2 small bottles of Coke. By the time the baby is born, its very high bilirubin numbers of 20.8 normal 10. So mom Mgt opinion, it's better to drink coke avoided during pregnancy. A mother who also consume coca cola during hamilnya is the mother CW. 1 day 1 can, but not every day. Also had more than 1 can. And by the time the baby is born, the baby is healthy and not problematic. A mother also had experienced during pregnancy indecision about whether or not should consume coke during lamb weston fries pregnancy. A friend recounts a miscarriage after drinking choke
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