Thursday, January 2, 2014

@ Manu you are an ignorant, my caca has already bevet the colleges when he was only two days! tomor

"Excuse my ugly handwriting, the pen is already old, but there is almost 22 years since I shit through the same hole and it is not even torn, every day I craps and bite your teeth into the mud" Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Yep, Mozart rhm photography had the same humor qu'Escirol ... It's pretty much all they had in common elsewhere.
listen knowing that I am a 2460 net per month I think you will have more that will clean my toilets! cost of waiting for you I'm fine spread the abyss of my toilet for the day or days you come pick you my tsunami shits!
You know me to pretend that I have a shitty life? I think that this is far from being the case. In any case your pee-poo humor worthy of a CP student has at least the merit of being appreciated by some people on this site and I congratulate you. Think of the note in your CV when you have reached the majority (groin in October 1 year), I think it will be good impression for your future employer. With a little luck you come clean my septic small sub-shit.
@ Manu you are an ignorant, my caca has already bevet the colleges when he was only two days! tomorrow he spends his code and wants to become the motorcycle to pick up her poop congeners in the morning to get to school in time it comes out with the small Montezuma;! young diahrée exchange program with her school she comes! mexico ... in default of a slight smell of burrito she is very well bred! THEREFORE> yes my shit is alive, yes it is smart (even precocious I would say), he often thinks and has a fuller and more fulfilling than yours sentimental life! suddenly I ask you the question, what ca effect of having a life of manu SHIT? ahahahahhahah
There are 2 years
lepen> cretin but I have a question to ask you> if I put the cake every morning on my faillence àcorrespond race Manure drain, that it is our equivalent? thank you for your answer to come that will maon full review of scientific and common sense
funny cat ^ ^ @ nonolays no it is not a cat is a cat stops to make you superior to other races, humans are as large as any existing race, we must respect each race in this world (especially we have the intelligence to do so)
@ Gabyo: Thank you really only understand the irony! @ Easy: it is you who is the moron in history: D Oh of course it's a cat, a 5 year old kid responds in the same way as it = P I'm 22 years old and good head on his shoulders, believe me
There are 2 years
s it! its a start! invasion cats
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